Effortless managed WordPress hosting

Building and managing a flawless website has never been more accessible. Let our team help you make the difficult decisions so you can spend time on what matters most, your business.

We offer both Geek and Non-Geek managed WordPress hosting plans

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(in plain English)



For small businesses or blogs:

  • 1 Website
  • 1GB Disk Space
  • 50GB Bandwidth
  • Daily Backups
  • IPv6 Support
Take your site to the next level now
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(in plain English)



For small businesses wishing to expand:

  • 3 Websites
  • 3GB Disk Space
  • 100GB Bandwidth
  • Daily Backups
  • IPv6 support
Take your site to the next level now
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(in Geek Speak)



For centralized management of multiple websites:

  • 10 Websites
  • 10GB Disk Space
  • 250GB Bandwidth
  • Daily Backups
  • IPv6 support
Take your site to the next level now
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For advanced, dedicated VPS cloud computing services:

  • Multiple Websites
  • From 40GB Disk Space
  • From 3TB Bandwidth
  • Daily Backups
  • IPv6 support
View VPS Plans

Why uPress managed WordPress hosting?

These are the stats, but we are so much more than code and numbers. Discover our founders, our values, our culture, and our passion.
About Us


Our customer service rating


WordPress websites hosted around the world


Unique WordPress hosting benefits and features you'll find nowhere else


Of our own server centers so your information stays secure


Our website loading time rating

Got Questions?

We are fluent in managed WordPress hosting, and can problem-solve both in English and Geek. If you’re a developer, we’re happy to geek out with you (Version management? Plugins? Migrations? DNS flush? No problem.) and if you just want to make sure that you can run your business without fear, hassle or interruption, we can do that too.
Get in touch

We don’t have to toot our own horns; our clients do that for us.

"After a long search for reliable, high-quality hosting, I got to uPress. They transferred my site from my former hosting company quickly, professionally and with excellent customer service. My site immediately tripled its loading speed, and the uPress control panel is just amazing. For those still searching for the best managed WordPress hosting, I can't recommend uPress enough."
Udi Ehrilch
View Our Case Studies

Wanna learn something new?

Visit our blog

Our blog is full of personality, but more importantly, it’s a resource for you to learn more about making your business more successful. Want to learn about managed WordPress hosting? We can teach you that. Ready to figure out how to scale, market, or address a room full of people without choking? You can learn that here, too.

Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed website hosting essentially means that the host takes care of all your website's technical needs. If you're paying for "regular" hosting, without any management specified in the price, you're likely just getting unmanaged hosting. What's the day-to-day difference, and why do you need managed WordPress hosting? Find out here.

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A WordPress Sandbox: What it is, Why You Need it and How to Use it

Have you ever spent hours updating your WordPress site only to have it crash, losing all your work? Don't you wish there were a place you could test changes to your WordPress site before taking them live? A WordPress sandbox allows you to play around with your site while removing the risk.

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