If you believe that any of the websites hosted by uPress.inc, are used to host or distribute copyrighted materials that you, own without your permission, we highly recommend first consider whether there is a copyright exception in this case like "fair use". If you are not sure about it, please consider seeking legal advice. If after considering this you are still interested in filing a copyright complaint, you may want to contact the site operator directly using the contact information provided on the site. Alternatively, to file a DMCA notice with us, please provide us the written notice with all the details specified below. Please note that only the copyright owner or authorized representative mayfile a copyright infringement report. your use of this form does not waive our right to challenge abuses of the DMCA process.
If you prefer not to use our automated format, then you can send your complaint to the following e-mail address: complain@upress.io
Please make sure you have sent to this address.
When you file a complaint you must verify the details below, otherwise we may not address it:
- Identification of the copyrighted work that is the subject of your complaint;
- A link to the website page where you claim your copyright has been infringed,
and an explanation of which part of the page your complaint relates to. Specifying
the domain name only is not sufficient.
- Your details including your name, address, telephone number and email address;
- Physical or electronic signature of the copyright holder or a person authorized
to act on their behalf;
- a statement that you believe in good faith that the use of the material in the manner
in which it is made is not authorized by the copyright owner, agent or law;
- A statement that the information in the notice is accurate, and a false penalty,
(and if you do not own the work, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the
owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed).